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Congratulations Kimi Upu

Meet Kimi Upu, SHEQ Manager in South East Queensland, whose passion and enthusiasm led to the creation of a game-changing safety education program for supervisors.

Given the critical safety role supervisors play, the Asset & Infrastructure Services team decided to develop an Internal Supervisors’ Safety Program. Kimi championed its delivery and eagerly threw himself into the challenge of juggling his own workload while building the program.

Since its rollout, supervisors attest to achieving a greater level of action accountability, are more empathetic to their colleagues needs, and have improved safety management interactions.

“It’s Kimi’s unique ability to ensure participants take ownership and strive to progress on their own safety journey that sets this program apart,” says A&IS SHEQ Manager Peter Allen. “He brings the subject to life with his personality, personal expertise and vivid learnings from his previous career in the New Zealand police force.”

The program has been delivered on projects in Darwin, Auckland and Perth with three further contracts requesting its delivery combined with ongoing interest across Ventia.

The success of this program can be attributed to Kimi’s passion, leadership and ability to engage with our people meaningfully and purposefully to put safety and health above all else. Without a doubt, Kimi is set to create a cultural shift, not only with supervisors, but across the entire business.

Pictured main image above: Kimi Upu