Have you asked the right questions to keep yourself and others safe for life?
- Do I have an approved Traffic Management Plan if working on or near public roads?
- Do I have the required authority to do work on the road or in the rail corridor?
- Do I have the necessary barricades, signs or traffic control devices to keep me safe?
- Have I identified a safe escape route if something was to go wrong?
- Do I need to protect excavations, manholes and pits on or near the road or rail line?
- Have I provided designated access points for road users and pedestrians?
- Have I checked that traffic and pedestrian management equipment is in place and effective?
Mandatory Safety Rules
- Position yourself to avoid interaction with moving vehicles and plant
- Never enter an exclusion zone without authorisation
- Operate plant within defined safety limits

Working Near Traffic Best Practices

Compteency Competent persons preparing TMPs/ Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGSs), overseeing traffic control arrangements, operating Temporary Traffic Management vehicles and monitoring TMP compliance.
Fir for Purpose Equipment suitable traffic management equipment, including traffic control devices, signage, barricades, truck-mounted attenuators, PPE, etc. in place and used as per TMP.
Monitoring Traffic and pedestrian management equipment & Vehicle Movement Plan regularly checked to ensure controls in place and effective.
Authority Road Occupancy Licences, Speed Zone and relevant road agency approvals in place as required.
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment, including approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP), in place for work near vehicle traffic and other road users
Segregation Physical protection and safe escape routes in place for personnel interacting with live traffic flows. Barricading of excavations, manholes and pits.
Access Control Designated access points are provided and managed to prevent risk to road workers or road users, including children and those with mobility needs