Have you asked the right questions to keep yourself and others safe for life
- Have I been verified as competent to operate the plant on this site?
- Am I in a fit state to operate the equipment?
- Have I checked that plant is approved for use on site?
- Have I checked if any safety items are missing or defective?
- Have I checked that suitable barricades and exclusion zones are in place within my work area?
- Do I have a spotter with me when working around structures, powerlines and people?
- Have I parked my mobile plant in a safe way to prevent “run-away”?
- Have I ensured that all loads are secure and properly restrained?
Mandatory Safety Rules
- Never enter an exclusion zone without authorisation
- Operate plant within defined safety limits
- Position yourself to avoid interaction with moving vehicles and plant
- Treat all services as live and maintain the safe approach distance
- Protect yourself against a fall and prevent dropped objects

Working Around and Operating Mobile Plant Best Practices

Fit For Work Driver is medically, emotionally and physically fit to drive (i.e. not tired or stressed, not under the influence of drugs or medication).
Competency Driver has appropriate current licence and completed necessary instruction and training for driving task (e.g. 4WD, remote area).
Communication Effective means of communication for isolated work (e.g. mobile phone, personal duress alarm) and regular call-in schedule, including notification of movements.
Journey Management Journey Management Plan (JMP) prepared prior to commencing a journey to work in an isolated location.