Have you asked the right questions to keep yourself and others safe for life?
- Do I understand the health risks of the chemical I am using?
- Do I have the required training or instruction in safe chemical handling and use?
- Do I have all the necessary PPE to safely use the chemical (e.g. gloves, clothing, respirator)?
- Have I checked if monitoring equipment is needed to measure exposure levels?
- Have I confirmed where the nearest eyewash/safety shower is located?
- Have I correctly stored the chemical after use and correctly disposed of waste?
- Do I know what to do if I encounter asbestos containing material?
- Do I know the controls if I will be working in a designated hazardous area?
Mandatory Safety Rules
- Wear designated PPE when working with hazardous substances

Hazardous Substances Best Practices

Substances Management Hazardous substances are accurately labelled and stored and handled correctly (e.g. signs/ placards, bunds, segregation of incompatible chemicals).
Fit for Purpose Equipment Protective (e.g. designated PPE, safety showers/ eyewash) and calibrated testing/ monitoring equipment, in use as appropriate to the substance and task.
Asbestos Asbestos Management Plan in place and communicated where asbestos or Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is likely to be or has been identified.
Hazardous Areas Isolating and segregating hazardous areas, access to suitable fire-fighting equipment and control of flammables, explosives and ignition sources. Correctly rated electrical equipment used.
Competency Persons are trained and competent in the chemical hazards relevant to their workplace, are trained in the risks / controls and licensed where required (e.g. asbestos removal).
Monitoring Personal exposure and/or health monitoring is undertaken by a competent person as per risk assessment or statutory requirements.
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment, including Safety Data Sheets and any necessary Permit and SWMS, in place for work involving chemical hazards (such as hazardous substances, dangerous goods, asbestos, silica).
Waste Disposal Hazardous waste disposed of correctly and disposal records retained.