Have you asked the right questions to keep yourself and others safe for life?
- Do I have all necessary Permits in place before job start?
- Do I have the required competencies to do the assigned work?
- Do I have an approved risk assessment in place prior to work on live equipment?
- Have I identified all energy sources and their isolation points?
- Have I tested for “dead”, and verified the equipment is physically isolated?
- Have I correctly applied my locks/ tags?
- Have I communicated isolation details during hand-over to others?
- Have I ensured that suitable access control (signage, barricades) is in place where “live” work is being done?
- Am I using the correct protective and testing equipment?
Mandatory Safety Rules
- Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins
- Treat all services as live and maintain the safe approach distance

Hazardous Energies Best Practices

Risk Assessment Risk Assessment/ Permit, including SWMS, in place for all energy isolation.
Identification & Protection Harmful energy sources are identified and isolated prior to starting work (i.e. lock out – tag out). Live cabling protected from mechanical damage.
Verification Verify zero energy and test for residual or stored energy prior to work; check integrity of isolation devices.
Fir for Purpose Equipment Isolation devices, protective and testing/ monitoring equipment (e.g. arc flash PPE, RCDs), in good condition and used as appropriate to the energy source and task.
Fir for Purpose Equipment Work on live equipment must be risk assessed, with a SWMS and approved permit.
Competency Permit issuers, permit holders, isolators are certified as competent and appointed. Electrical workers are trained and competent.
Communication & Access Control Confirm isolation method with all work teams and communicate details during shift/ team handovers. Restricted Access Control in place where equipment can’t be fully isolated to zero energy.