Have you asked the right questions to keep yourself and others safe for life?
- Do I have the necessary experience and skills for the assigned driving task and location?
- Am I free from the effects of alcohol, other drugs and fatigue?
- Am I able to focus on driving and not be distracted (e.g. phone calls)?
- Have I checked that the vehicle is in good condition, with all necessary safety features and spares?
- Have I completed a Journey Management Plan when travelling to an isolated location?
- Do I have an effective means of communication when working remotely?
- Have I correctly secured loads in the vehicle or trailer?
- Have I checked that the trailer is fit for purpose and correctly connected?

Mandatory Safety Rules
- Follow local road laws and Journey Management Plan
Driving and Remote Travel Best Practices

Fit For Work Driver is medically, emotionally and physically fit to drive (i.e. not tired or stressed, not under the influence of drugs or medication).
Competency Driver has appropriate current licence and completed necessary instruction and training for driving task (e.g. 4WD, remote area).
Communication Effective means of communication for isolated work (e.g. mobile phone, personal duress alarm) and regular call-in schedule, including notification of movements.
Journey Management Journey Management Plan (JMP) prepared prior to commencing a journey to work in an isolated location.

Fit For Purpose Vehicle is roadworthy, fit for purpose and fitted with required safety features (e.g. IVMS, emergency equipment) and spares.
Towing Trailers are fit for purpose, do not exceed vehicle towing capacity and correctly connected and secured.
Load Restraint Appropriate load restraint systems and cargo barriers in place as necessary for all loads, including tools and equipment. Transport Chain of Responsibility requirements managed correctly.